Clow Canada donates to the Root Cellar Food and Wellness Hub
July 7, 2023

A team from Clow Canada recently donated $1000 to the Root Cellar Food and Wellness Hub, a non-profit based in Alberta, Canada.
The Root Cellar Food and Wellness Hub provides health support for people in the community with a mission to improve the lives of all community members through the power of local food.
During the visit, the Clow team got a tour of the new Root Cellar facility while learning about all the organization's wellness programs, including Emergency Food Pantry, Brown Bag Lunch, Food First, Gardens and more. As a longtime partner of The Root Cellar, Clow has contributed many hours to its Brown Bag Lunch event, which is a program that provides upwards of 900 student lunches every day.
“We will continue to support this incredible cause, and we will be back in the fall to help make lunches,” Distribution Manager Marty Fischer said.